Saturday, March 28, 2009

Those words

I’ve a thought,
A tune
Going round & round
In my head
Yet can’t share it
Let it be heard out loud

(Feeling stifled
By those who control
The words of the dead

See I got a clue
From that song
That was piping through
And even though those words
Have set my mind a blaze;
I must let them fade -

(Feeling stifled
By those who control
The words of the dead

For you see
If I take those words,
Make them mine
The ones who hold the strings
Will march me away
Cut me off
Cause to them
I’ll have done wrong

(Feeling stifled
By those who control
The words of the dead

So many things rushing my way
But I mustn’t let myself play
Shut it out
Don’t let them set my thoughts
My actions
To create, renew, reawaken...
Why can’t I play?
Share what makes me feel alive
With all those who are part of my life?

(Feeling stifled
By those who control
The words of the dead

Cause there are those
Who are stuck
With dusty thoughts
That this world should stick to paper

(Feeling stifled
By those who control
The words of the dead

Maybe I should just
Take a risk....
Nah can’t do it
Cause they’ll
Shut the door
Cut me off
Cause to them
I’ll have done wrong

(Feeling stifled
By those who control
The words of the dead

Where you at
Can’t you see
How I’m simply trying
To experience the world
So much to see
To create, alter, tweak, throw out

Feeling stifled
By those who control
The words of the dead
But those words:
Their thoughts, their influence
Are my world

So lock me down
Cut me off
Tell me that I’m doing wrong
That I should stop playing
In this world which was made for me!

Creative Commons License
Those Words by Allison Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 2.5 Australia License.
Based on a work at

Monday, March 02, 2009

Twittery: volume 1

Poetry amongst the tweets

Amongst random thoughts u see glimpses of the world that is my life's foundation / twittery is the sprinkling of beginnings & maybes
  • numbers flicker past my eyes / chaos & problems not clear / though I see each 1 pass / I let myself drift / listening 2 passing sounds
  • That world seems too distant to be real / this world drains & I wish its existence would stop / I want to be able to choose
  • So much 2 play, learn, grasp / can time stop so I can catch up? / another day goes by / take in little x little / understand bout .01%
  • & thus a very long day begins. Tap, tap: churn through so slowly that secs seem like mins. Ticking 1 wee task at a time. End scene...
  • I see shapes within u / Hidden by rough edges: The potential 2 become / What I know u can be - I seek 2 carve away & reveal.... ???
  • "life brings peace / once you know to fly on / the magic quilted from the universe." twittermagnets
  • There are those / That seem to grow / Yet their mind is still / Playing childish games

Creative Commons License
Twittery: volume 1 by Allison Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. Based on a work at