Thursday, December 25, 2008

Into the wind

Stumbling in a fog:
For no matter what
Words you speak
They will be blind.

Blind belief
That one's own corner
Of the world is perfect
Means not having to think
Of what still can be done

That no one dies
No one cries
No one bleeds
No one takes a life for a life

As the world falls
Into financial abyss
And millions upon millions die
For nothing more than greed

Find words that excuse
What history again and again
Has shown to be
The downfall of empires

Let yourself believe
No crime has been committed
That all hands are clean
And the blood-soaked ground
Is an illusion.

For then
You can argue
Into the wind.

Creative Commons License
Into the wind by Allison Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. Based on a work at

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Why fight sleep?

Battle what will always win?
Struggle to stay awake?

My mind races
Jumps from dream
To the plunging panic:
What will tomorrow bring
Today, did I say the right thing...

I draw the dreams back
And push aside
My fears,
Start wishing
That my dreams
Were somehow real

Why fight sleep -
So I can create
A bright-eyed dream

Creative Commons License
Sleep by Allison Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. Based on a work at

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Apology

Should I ever explain myself to you,
Apologise for being who I am?
No – accept me!
I will not alter who I am
So others will think
I am who they want to know,
Who they perceive me to be.

Yet I am capable of changing:
I can evolve and learn,
Alter my perceptions about life,
But I cannot change overnight.
I cannot be
What everyone thinks I should be.
I must stop
Apologising for being myself!

I am harmful to no one,
I accept that everyone
Will not perceive the world
In the same way I do.
So why should I apologise
For my world view?

I embrace myself
Yet I also accept
There are some parts
Of who I am
Which may scare others.
But how can I know you,
Accept the differences
In our world view,
If I do not embrace the person
That I am closest to?
I owe no one an apology
When all I am being
Is myself.

Creative Commons License
My Apology by Allison Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 2.5 Australia License. Based on a work at