The touch of your hand,
The thought of you near,
Is enough to tempt me
From remaining here.
As my heart stills
And my thoughts race
I wish you were here
By my side.
I wish I could feel
Your skin upon mine,
Kisses from your lips
Sweeping along my skin.
Just the thought
Of you being here
Makes my pulse increase:
I need to remember to breath.
With just the thought of you near,
I can taste the mingling of our breath:
Making me yearn for you To be by my side.
I can see you reaching for my face,
Pulling me into your embrace:
Our lips touch,
And our bodies seem to meld into one.

Just the thought by Allison Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License.
Based on a work at
Look within the heart
Of action and reaction
Let the world take you
To places never dreamt about
Upon this journey's end
Dreams will become overshadowed
By the darkness within the heart
Of visionaries whose thinking
Is beyond your sight
Take care,
Choose with wisdom
The path you walk
Not allowing warped words
Hold sway upon your life
Words full of promise beyond
An individual’s control
Lead you to an end
Where dreams drown
In the nightmare that life can provide
Walk the path
That will take you
To a place where dreams embrace
And find balance amongst
The dreams of all

Path you walk by Allison Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License.
Based on a work at
Rhythm soothes the soul
Letting one drift
Along a river of sound
That cleanses the mind
With the sound
I let myself go
Flowing away
As the current rushes out
The beat
Feel the beat
With its rhythm
I drum my fingers
I tap my feet
With the sounds
My soul
Let the music take you
On a journey of the mind
Let your fingers
Your voice and breath
Create a life of its own
Is the song from within
Or is the sounds of song
Shaped from another soul
Let the music take you
From the place where you are
To where all that surrounds
Drifts away in a haze
And clarity of vision
Allows you to see
The world through the sounds of song

Let the music take you by Allison Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License.
Based on a work at