Friday, November 23, 2007

Rights for all…

Call out:
What’s on your mind!
Shout out:
What makes your blood boil!
Do not let time sweep away
What you believe
Is yours by right:
Rights fought for over lifetimes.
For when you grow complacent
Your rights vanish
Into what once was.
Fight for what is yours
Creating a world that will exist
Beyond the here and now.
A world that believes in:
Rights for all…

Creative Commons License
Rights for all… by Allison Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. Based on a work at

Friday, November 16, 2007

Speak again

Let me remember you,
Let me see you in my mind,
Let me accept
That you are gone.
I know that we shall not speak again,
Yet I know there was still
So much left unsaid.

Even if I was given
Another chance to speak
I would not know
What to say
What to do.

How can I ever explain
That even when
I think about you now
There are still no words
That can fully explain
The impact you had
Upon my life.

Even though there are things left
To speak upon
There is now nothing left
That I can say,
That I can do.

How do I explain
That even though I knew
That you would soon be gone,
I did not seek
To find the words
That I could speak
Before you were gone.

Yet now that you are no longer here
I find it hard to say the words:
That would mean I have accepted
What has come to pass;
That I have embraced the reality
That you are gone
And that we shall never
Speak again.

Creative Commons License
Speak again by Allison Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Australia License. Based on a work at

Thursday, November 08, 2007

To keep your place

When did you begin
To believe
That you need to
Protect your place?

What will you do
To keep your place;
How far will you go
To protect what’s yours?

Whose shoulders
Will you stand upon,
When you reach for
What you seek?

Why do you believe
That you need a place
To keep and protect
Within this world?

How much sand are you
Able to hold within a storm;
Can you hold your ground
As it quickens under your feet?

Where is the limit
Of how far you will go,
To keep what
You believe is yours?

Creative Commons License
To keep your place by Allison Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. Based on a work at